
Peut tu résoudre un devoir de biologie au complet ?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in a variety of environments, including on you! Unlike most other organisms, bacteria reproduce through a process called binary fission - they simply replicate their genetic material and split into two identical cells. Under the right conditions, bacteria can reproduce in roughly one hour.
For this assignment, assume that an initial population of bacterial cells were placed in an environment with unlimited food and resources, such as living space.
1. When a population arrives in a new environment, it does take some time for the organisms to adjust. For our bacterial population, the first ten hours is spent adapting to the new environment, ingesting food and continuing to grow and mature. Create a new Google Sheets and copy the following table:
Hours # of Bacterial Cells
2 100
3 102
4 106
5 114
6 131
7 144
8 1F9
9 178
10 200

2. Looking at the table, how can you describe the change in population size from hour 1 to hour 10?
3.Graph the data from the table that you copied into Sheets. Copy and paste (unlinked) that graph in the space below. Do you really see much change in the graph? Explain.

4.-In the background information we learned that it takes about an hour for a bacterial cell to reproduce.
This means that if we had 200 bacteria at hour 10, then there would be 400 at hour 11. Add another ten rows to the table you copied into Sheets and calculate the number of bacteria that should be present each hour. Remember, every hour the total population size should double.
Hours # of Bacterial Cells
3 102
4 196
5 114
6 131
7 144
8 159
9 178
10 200
11 400
5.Once you have calculated the total number of bacteria through hour 20, create a new graph to include this new data. Copy and paste the graph in the space below.

6. How does this graph compare to the one that you provided for question 3?

a. In the graph from question 5, at about what hour does the number of bacteria really start to rapidly increase?
7. Read through the Notes of Chapter 5.1 (found in Classroom) to learn more about exponential growth in populations. After reading the article, answer the following questions:
a. What is the definition of exponential growth

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