6 Read the sentences below. Choose the correct
meaning of the idioms
in colour.
1 The city has gone too far with its curfew.
a not done enough
b not done anything
c done too much
2 The letters arrived from far and wide.
a from all over the country
b from one place
c from nearby
3 Programmes like these are few and far
a rare
b common
c from distant places
4 Your answer isn't far off.
a isn't correct
b is close to the truth
C is false
5 He's by far the best candidate for the job.
a definitely not
b possibly
c definitely

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

1) The city has gone too far with its curfew.

Respuesta 1) c) The city has done too much.

Traducción 1) La ciudad se ha excedido con su toque de queda.

2) The letters arrived from far and wide.

Respuesta 2) a) The letters arrived from all over the country.

Traducción 2) Las cartas llegaron de todo el país.

3) Programmes like these are few and far between.

Respuesta 3) a) Programmes like these are rare.

Traducción 3) Programas como estos son pocos y espaciados.

4) Your answer isn't far off.

Respuesta 4) b) Your answer is close to the truth.

Traducción 4) Tu respuesta está cerca de la verdad.

5) He's by far the best candidate for the job.

Respuesta 5) c) He's definitely the best candidate for the job.

Traducción 5) Él es, con diferencia, el mejor candidato para el puesto.

Michael Spymore

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