me ayudan a escribir la pronunciacion de esto para que no se me dificulte, doy coronita....
What I do in the morning is drink coffee, brush, and then I take my dog for a walk in the park. I come home and check social media, I take virtual classes and do
my homework, when I finish I spend time with my family, we watch
television and we also play some fun video games, then I check my cell
phone again while I rest in my room and listen to my music. I like it, I
love my daily activities and I enjoy all of them.

Respuesta :



maso seria como

wat ai du in da mornin is drink kofi brosh an den ai teik mai doj

for a ualk in da park. ai com hom an chek soshal media ai teik virtual clases an du mai hom-uork uen ai finish ai espend taim uit mai famili wi wach televishon an wi olso plei som fan vidio geims den ai chek mai cel-fon agein wail ai rest in mai rum an lisen tu mai miusic. ai laik it ai lov mai deili activitis an ai enyoi ol of dem