III. Completa los espacios con el pasado simple de los verbos entre paréntesis. No todos son regulares, hay algunos irregulares. Los puedes buscar en el diccionario word-reference o en la lista de verbos que adjunto en el otro documento. When I (be) in Japan I, (find) everything very different. Two years ago my parents, (buy) a new car. Last summer Peter. (spend) his holidays in a summer camp with his friends. They (go) swimming, they. (play) football and golf they. (visit) many interesting places. My sister, (get) a good job in a bank. Susan and her cousins. (come) to Portugal ten years ago. IV. Completa las oraciones con el pasado simple en su manera afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de los verbos entre paréntesis. My sister and her husband_ (come) from Greece. (not like) the U2 concert. My cousin On Monday Johann (they/leave)_ (phone) from France yesterday evening. (go) to school on foot. the country last Saturday? ✓ (you/like). the film? They. ✓ (she/go) (not finish) the homework yesterday. to the cinema with her parents last night? No, she didn't. She (stay) at home. She (get) a cold. ✓ We (go) to Spain y car. (you/travel). Many years ago it. Last year they. (have) a wonderful holiday with my family last July. to Madrid by car or by plane? (be) very difficult to live without electricity. (buy) a house at the seaside. 3​

Respuesta :

When I **was** in Japan, I **found** everything very different. Two years ago, my parents **bought** a new car. Last summer, Peter **spent** his holidays in a summer camp with his friends. They **went** swimming, they **played** football and golf, they **visited** many interesting places. My sister **got** a good job in a bank. Susan and her cousins **came** to Portugal ten years ago.

Para la parte IV, te proporcionaré las formas en pasado simple en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de los verbos que faltan:

1. My sister and her husband **came** from Greece.

  - (Negativa) They did not like the U2 concert.

  - (Interrogativa) Did they leave the country last Saturday?

2. On Monday Johann **left** for France yesterday evening.

  - (Negativa) He did not finish the homework yesterday.

  - (Interrogativa) Did he go to the cinema with her parents last night?

3. No, she didn't. She **stayed** at home. She **got** a cold.

  - (Negativa) We did not go to Spain by car.

  - (Interrogativa) Did you travel to Madrid by car or by plane?

4. It was very difficult to live without electricity.

  - (Negativa) They did not buy a house at the seaside.

  - (Interrogativa) Did you have a wonderful holiday with my family last July?