The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct wo 1 This house is best than my old apartment. better 2 Mom cleans the more quickly in our house. 3 She's the quieter neighbor on our street. 4 They can wash the dishes more well than us. 5 This is the worse apartment in the building. 6 Donna climbs the stairs more easy than you. easiest SPEAKING Talk about the phrases in the .There are dirty . My bedroom •The kitchen is • I don't like th • I'm hungry. WRITIN A Comple Be​

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1. This house is better than my old apartment.

2. Mom cleans more quickly in our house.

3. She's the quietest neighbor on our street.

4. They can wash the dishes better than us.

5. This is the worst apartment in the building.

6. Donna climbs the stairs more easily than you.