pasar esta info al inglés y transformala estos temas

Simple present tense
Simple past tense
Should / shouldn’t
There is / there are

esta es la info Erdenet es una ciudad ubicada en la provincia de Orkhon, en el norte de Mongolia. Es la tercera ciudad más grande del país

( es para hoy pliss)

Respuesta :


Simple present tense: Erdenet is a city located in the Orkhon province, in northern Mongolia. It is the third largest city in the country.

Simple past tense: Erdenet was a city located in the Orkhon province, in northern Mongolia. It was the third largest city in the country.

Should / shouldn’t: You should visit Erdenet if you are interested in exploring northern Mongolia.

There is / there are: There is a lot to see and do in Erdenet, such as visiting the local markets and exploring the surrounding nature.


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