Present simple: Completa según corresponda

My mother____ (cook) soup eveydays

My father ___ (work) in a Company four times a week

The black dog____ (sleep) on the sofá

Jane____ (dance) folklore in the nights

I usually ____(watch) horror movies in the ninghts
they ____ (not/ go) to school on foor ____you (like)____ fish with rice?_____ your mother____ (wash) the dishes every day?

ayuda por favor al menos una ​

Respuesta :


esta seria mi respuesta


My mother cooks soup every day.

My father works in a company four times a week.

The black dog sleeps on the sofa.

Jane dances folklore in the nights.

I usually watch horror movies in the nights.

They do not go to school on foot.

Do you like fish with rice?

Does your mother wash the dishes every day?

espero que te ayude suerte aprendiendo ingles solo practica 1 hora cada dia notaras la diferencia en tu entendimiento y hablar ingles