describe cada palabra usando todo el vocabulario de los quantifiers

bicycle, noodles, carrots,hamburger, candies,pancakes, cup ,French fries, clothes, box,grapes,Apple,vegetables, coins,peas

Quantifiers any - much -bottle - spooful- juy - jar carton- box -plate- can - bag - glass- cup - bar - slice- packet

ocupado there is .. there are...​

Respuesta :

Bicycle: There is a bicycle in the garage.

Noodles: I would like some noodles for dinner.

Carrots: Can you buy any carrots at the store?

Hamburger: I would like a juicy hamburger for lunch.

Candies: Can I have a spoonful of candies?

Pancakes: I ate a whole plate of pancakes for breakfast.

Cup: Do you have a glass or a cup for the water?

French fries: I would like a bag of French fries with my meal.

Clothes: There are many clothes in the closet.

Box: There are several boxes in the storage room.

Grapes: I bought a whole carton of grapes at the market.

Apple: Can I have a slice of apple, please?

Vegetables: Do we have any vegetables in the fridge?

Coins: I found several coins on the street.

Peas: I need a packet of peas for the recipe.

Espero que estas descripciones te hayan ayudado a comprender cómo utilizar diferentes cuantificadores en oraciones sobre diferentes objetos y alimentos.