Ayuda plis es hacerlo con Will o going según sea el caso

Nobody can be sure what the weather 1. _____(be) like in the future, but many people think there 2. _____ (be) some changes Scientists say that in many places it's going to be hotter and it's going to rain less. Countries in Africa and Asia are going to become very dry all year, they also predict it 3. ____(be) impossible for people to find food and water. In Southern Europe and the United States, it's going to be more difficult for plants to grow. Moreover people 4. ____(have) problems finding food in the future. Nobody knows exactly how much the temperature 5. ____(go up), but scientists say that the change is going to be at least 2"C. They predict that the ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic 6. ____(melt) in the next hundred years and a lot of the animals there 7. ____(die). There is also going to be more water in the oceans of the world so cities on the coast are going to disappear. Another problem is that the weather is going to become more extreme. Scientists say that there are going to be more hurricanes and typhoons in the future: and cording to the recent studies, these storms 8. ____(happen) all over the world and many people are going to lose their home. With all those problems government and some social organizations promise, they 9. ____(do) something to help our planet. In fact, they have designed an action plan to operate in some countries in Latin America. Those countries 10. ____(start) with a program at school to educate children.​

Respuesta :


Nobody can be sure what the weather 1. will be like in the future, but many people think there 2. will be some changes. Scientists say that in many places it's going to be hotter and it's going to rain less. Countries in Africa and Asia are going to become very dry all year; they also predict it 3. will be impossible for people to find food and water. In Southern Europe and the United States, it's going to be more difficult for plants to grow. Moreover, people 4. will have problems finding food in the future. Nobody knows exactly how much the temperature 5. will go up, but scientists say that the change is going to be at least 2°C. They predict that the ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic 6. will melt in the next hundred years and a lot of the animals there 7. will die. There is also going to be more water in the oceans of the world so cities on the coast are going to disappear. Another problem is that the weather is going to become more extreme. Scientists say that there are going to be more hurricanes and typhoons in the future, and according to recent studies, these storms 8. will happen all over the world and many people are going to lose their homes. With all those problems, governments and some social organizations promise they 9. will do something to help our planet. In fact, they have designed an action plan to operate in some countries in Latin America. Those countries 10. will start with a program at school to educate children.


me das corona ? pls :c


Nobody can be sure what the weather will be like in the future, but many people think there will be some changes. Scientists say that in many places, it's going to be hotter and it's going to rain less. Countries in Africa and Asia are going to become very dry all year, and it will be impossible for people to find food and water. In Southern Europe and the United States, it's going to be more difficult for plants to grow. Moreover, people will have problems finding food in the future. Nobody knows exactly how much the temperature will go up, but scientists say that the change is going to be at least 2°C. They predict that the ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic will melt in the next hundred years, and a lot of the animals there will die. There is also going to be more water in the oceans of the world, so cities on the coast are going to disappear. Another problem is that the weather is going to become more extreme. Scientists say that there are going to be more hurricanes and typhoons in the future, and according to recent studies, these storms will happen all over the world, and many people are going to lose their homes. With all those problems, the government and some social organizations promise they will do something to help our planet. In fact, they have designed an action plan to operate in some countries in Latin America. Those countries will start with a program at school to educate children.

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