hola, alguien me podría ayudar por favor
1. They _____________ (not visit ) Japan yet.
1 punto

2. Pedro ______ (come) to visit yesterday afternoon and we _____ (play) pool.
1 punto

Esta pregunta es obligatoria
3. Bob __________(cook) in the kitchen at the moment and I __________ (think) he likes it a lot.
1 punto

4. Nicole __________ (start) taking drama classes last May and she __________ (improve) a lot since then.
1 punto

5. John __________(ride) that motorcycle twice.
1 punto

6. Paul __________(not check) his email every day.
1 punto

Esta pregunta es obligatoria
7. I __________ (live) in the same apartment for 25 years.
1 punto

8. Brian __________ (travel) around the world since June.
1 punto

9. I_________ (invite) all my friends if I _____ (have) a house with a pool

hola alguien me podría ayudar por favor 1 They not visit Japan yet 1 punto 2 Pedro come to visit yesterday afternoon and we play pool 1 punto Esta pregunta es o class=

Respuesta :

They have not visited Japan yet.
Pedro came to visit yesterday afternoon and we played pool.
Bob is cooking in the kitchen at the moment and I think he likes it a lot.
Nicole started taking drama classes last May and she has improved a lot since then.
John has ridden that motorcycle twice.
Paul does not check his email every day.
I have lived in the same apartment for 25 years.
Brian has been traveling around the world since June.
I would invite all my friends if I had a house with a pool.


  1. They haven't visited Japan yet.
  2. Pedro came to visit yesterday afternoon and we played pool.
  3. Bob is cooking in the kitchen at the moment and I think he likes it a lot.
  4. Nicole started taking drama classes last May and she has improved a lot since then.
  5. John has ridden that motorcycle twice.
  6. Paul does not check his email every day.
  7. I have lived in the same apartment for 25 years.
  8. Brian has been traveling around the world since June.
  9. I would invite all my friends if I had a house with a pool.