about TOPIC ATMOSPHERE: THE CONSEQUENCES/IMPACT THAT DROUGHTS AND DESERTIFICATION HAS ON PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT. "In South Africa, the annual rainfall decrease from the east of the country towards the west and therefore the frequency of drought increases towards the west. Areas at risk of desertification in South Africa are the southern parts of the Kalahari on the border of Botswana and South Africa, the Northern Cape and the regions bordering on the Karoo. Do research to investigate the causes of droughts and desertification, the effects of droughts and desertification on people and the environment and the management strategies to manage the risks of droughts and desertification." System 83 ) vegetation 1 Water Sources, Biodivecity introduction Your research must include the following aspects. 1. Define drought and desertification- 2. GIS: Using an atlas, draw/design where the risk of droughts and desertification is in Africa. Find a map Start wit (aus & S Based on your drawing, explain in your research why these areas are at risk by analysing the causes and consequences of droughts and desertification. impacts/positive/negative 3. Evaluate the negative impact that droughts and desertification has on people economy and the environment 4. Suggest Management strategies for droughts and desertification. N.B. Your research report will be assessed using the rubric on the next page. RESEARCH RUBRIC FOR GRADE 11 TOPIC: THE ATMOSPHERE:- CONSEQUENCES/IMPACT OF DROUGHTS AND DESERTIFICATION 2. drawing map and Causes JUNCTIO ​

Respuesta :



Research Report: Consequences/Impact of Droughts and Desertification

Define Drought and Desertification:

Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall leading to a shortage of water supply, affecting agriculture, ecosystems, and communities.

Desertification is the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of deforestation, overgrazing, and climate change, leading to loss of biodiversity and degradation of land.

GIS Drawing of Africa:

Using an atlas, we identified areas at risk of droughts and desertification in Africa, focusing on South Africa, where the southern parts of the Kalahari, Northern Cape, and regions bordering on the Karoo are particularly vulnerable.

These areas are at risk due to decreasing annual rainfall from east to west, leading to increased frequency of droughts. Factors contributing to desertification include soil erosion, unsustainable land use practices, and climate change.

Negative Impact on People, Economy, and Environment:

People: Droughts and desertification can lead to food and water scarcity, malnutrition, displacement of communities, and increased vulnerability to diseases.

Economy: Agricultural productivity declines, livestock die-off, loss of livelihoods, reduced tourism revenue, and increased dependence on aid and relief efforts.

Environment: Loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, degradation of land and water resources, deforestation, and increased risk of wildfires.

Management Strategies:

Implement sustainable land management practices such as afforestation, reforestation, and soil conservation measures to restore degraded land and prevent desertification.

Promote water conservation and efficient irrigation techniques to ensure sustainable water use during periods of drought.

Develop early warning systems and drought preparedness plans to mitigate the impacts of droughts on communities and agriculture.

Invest in climate-resilient infrastructure, such as water storage facilities and drought-resistant crop varieties, to enhance adaptive capacity to droughts and desertification.

By addressing the causes and consequences of droughts and desertification and implementing effective management strategies, we can reduce the negative impacts on people, the economy, and the environment, and promote sustainable development in vulnerable regions.
