QUESTION 1 EXTRACT SWIMMING PARTNERS SHORT STORY "One day, on a Saturday, she told us that there would be a family meeting. The meeting was held in the afternoon in our house. Apart from my mother, there were her older brothers who lived in the neighbouring village. " 1.1 " Considering the above extract, put yourself in the narrator's shoes and write two diary entries expressing her feelings and thoughts before and after the family meeting that was held after their father's death. Response should be 80-100 words TOTAL: 20​

Respuesta :


Before the family meeting:

Dear Diary,

I'm feeling anxious about the family meeting today. It's the first one since Dad passed away, and I don't know what to expect. Will we talk about him? Will there be tears? I miss him so much, and the thought of facing this without him is overwhelming. I hope we can find some comfort in being together, but I'm also afraid it will just make the pain even more real.

After the family meeting:

Dear Diary,

The family meeting is over, and it was both heartbreaking and healing. We shared memories of Dad, and though there were tears, there was also laughter. Being surrounded by my family helped ease some of the pain, even if just for a moment. I realize now that we're all grieving together, and that gives me strength. I still miss Dad terribly, but I know we'll get through this together.