n day. Look at the pictures and say what Martha does on which a Sunday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Friday 1. On 2. On 3. On 4. On 5. On 6. On help mom to bake. I help mom with the laundry. we go shopping. I help mom with the ironing. I help mom to clean the house. Mom and I wash the dishes. 7. On which day did Martha not help mom?​

Respuesta :

Let's match Martha's activities with the corresponding days:

1. On Sunday: Martha helps mom to bake.
2. On Saturday: Martha helps mom with the laundry.
3. On Tuesday: Martha and mom go shopping.
4. On Wednesday: Martha helps mom with the ironing.
5. On Monday: Martha helps mom to clean the house.
6. On Friday: Martha and mom wash the dishes.

Now, to answer the question, on which day did Martha not help mom? Martha did not help mom on Thursday.