Respuesta :



Honduras, like many countries, has a complex political system with several key institutions that play crucial roles in its governance. Some of the main political institutions of Honduras include:

1. **Presidency:** The President of Honduras serves as both the head of state and head of government. The president is elected by popular vote to a four-year term and can be re-elected for one additional term. The president is responsible for executing and enforcing the laws, directing foreign policy, appointing government officials, and representing Honduras internationally.

2. **National Congress:** The National Congress of Honduras is the legislative branch of government and is responsible for making laws, approving the national budget, and overseeing the actions of the executive branch. It is a unicameral body consisting of 128 members known as deputies, who are elected by popular vote for four-year terms.

3. **Judiciary:** The judiciary in Honduras is responsible for interpreting and applying the laws of the country. It consists of several levels, including the Supreme Court of Justice, which is the highest court in the land. The Supreme Court is composed of 15 justices who are appointed by the National Congress.

4. **Electoral Tribunal:** The Electoral Tribunal of Honduras is responsible for organizing and overseeing elections at all levels of government, as well as resolving electoral disputes. It ensures that elections are conducted fairly and transparently and that the results accurately reflect the will of the people.

5. **Attorney General's Office:** The Attorney General's Office is responsible for investigating and prosecuting criminal offenses in Honduras. It plays a key role in enforcing the rule of law and combating corruption and impunity.

6. **Supreme Electoral Tribunal:** The Supreme Electoral Tribunal is responsible for the registration of political parties, the organization of elections, and the proclamation of winners. It ensures the integrity and transparency of the electoral process.

These institutions, along with others, form the backbone of Honduras's political system and are essential for the functioning of democracy and the rule of law in the country.

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