complete the sentences.Write the correct form of the verb in parentjeses.
(simple past)

1.-Yesterday I_______(go)to the supermarket.

2.-You didn't______(take)the English class last Tuesday.

3.-Did you______(get)the last word?

4.-Enrique______(have) a sandwitch for breaklast.

5.-Ana didn't________(run)the race last year.

6.-I_______(walk)to the store and______(find)nothing.

7.-They______(need)a good grade to pass the subject.

8.-We_______(Be)the tast oaes here.

ayudaaaaaa porfavooooor es urgenteeee :((((((((​

Respuesta :

1. went
2. take
3. get
4. had
5. run
6. walked, found
7. needed
8. were

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