
T 5, LESSON 3 QUANTIFIERS Read each conversation. Circle the correct answer. 1. A: Do we have three eggs to make the cake? B: No, we only have two. We don't have a little enough eggs. 2. A: How much / many money do you need for a snack? B: I just need a few/a little dollars. 3. A: Do we have enough / a little paper plates for the party? B: No, we have few/.little plates. We need a lot more. 4. A: This cookbook is in Spanish. Can you help me read it? B: Sure. I can speak a little a few Spanish. 5. A: Oh, no! There isn't many / much coffee left. B: I'll go and get some / any coffee now. 6. A: There are a lot of/ much new restaurants in town. B: I know! Five years ago, there were only a few/ a little. 7. A: I'm taking some / any classes at a cooking school. B: That's interesting. Do you have a lot of/some homework? 8. A: We have a lot of/much things to get. Let's make a shopping list. B: OK. I need a piece of/ a few paper. Look at the picture. Complete the conversations with the words in the box

cuales son las respuestas :​

Respuesta :


1. A: Do we have three eggs to make the cake? B: No, we only have two. We don't have enough eggs.

2. A: How much money do you need for a snack? B: I just need a few dollars.

3. A: Do we have enough paper plates for the party? B: No, we have few plates. We need a lot more.

4. A: This cookbook is in Spanish. Can you help me read it? B: Sure. I can speak a little Spanish.

5. A: Oh, no! There isn't much coffee left. B: I'll go and get some coffee now.

6. A: There are a lot of new restaurants in town. B: I know! Five years ago, there were only a few.

7. A: I'm taking some classes at a cooking school. B: That's interesting. Do you have a lot of homework?

8. A: We have a lot of things to get. Let's make a shopping list. B: OK. I need a piece of paper.

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