Respuesta :

1. She loves to read books.
2. They have a new car.
3. He plays the guitar very well.
4. I enjoy spending time with my friends.
5. The sun shines brightly in the morning.

1. She does not love to read books.
2. They do not have a new car.
3. He does not play the guitar very well.
4. I do not enjoy spending time with my friends.
5. The sun does not shine brightly in the evening.

1. Does she love to read books?
2. Do they have a new car?
3. Does he play the guitar very well?
4. Do you enjoy spending time with your friends?
5. Does the sun shine brightly in the afternoon?


1. The sun is shining brightly today.

2. She is going to the party tomorrow.

3. They have completed their homework on time.

4. The cat is sleeping peacefully on the couch.

5. We will meet you at the restaurant at 7 pm.


1. The weather is not rainy today.

2. She doesn't like spicy food.

3. They haven't finished their project yet.

4. The dog is not barking loudly.

5. I will not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.


1. Is the concert tonight?

2. Are they coming to the event tomorrow?

3. Have you seen my keys anywhere?

4. What time does the movie start?

5. Can you help me with my homework?

traducido al Español:


1. El sol brilla intensamente hoy.

2. Ella va a la fiesta mañana.

3. Ellos han completado su tarea a tiempo.

4. El gato está durmiendo pacíficamente en el sofá.

5. Nosotros te veremos en el restaurante a las 7 pm.


1. El clima no está lluvioso hoy.

2. A ella no le gusta la comida picante.

3. Ellos aún no han terminado su proyecto.

4. El perro no está ladrando ruidosamente.

5. No podré asistir a la reunión mañana.


1. ¿Es el concierto esta noche?

2. ¿Vendrán ellos al evento mañana?

3. ¿Has visto mis llaves en algún lado?

4. ¿A qué hora empieza la película?

5. ¿Me puedes ayudar con mi tarea?

Otras preguntas