1. You went to the school yesterday. TRUE FALSE
2. You studied English last night. TRUE FALSE
3. You played video games last weekend. TRUE FALSE
4. Your mother cooked majadito last Friday. TRUE FALSE
5. You didn't take a shower yesterday. TRUE FALSE
6. You didn't drink milk this morning. TRUE FALSE
7. You didn't do the homework last week. TRUE FALSE 8. Your father didn't travel last year. TRUE FALSE EXERCISE 5 ORDER THE WORDS TO MAKE SENTENCES.​

Respuesta :



Let's check if the sentences are true or false:

1. You went to the school yesterday. TRUE (if you did go to school yesterday) FALSE (if you did not go to school yesterday)

2. You studied English last night. TRUE (if you studied English last night) FALSE (if you did not study English last night)

3. You played video games last weekend. TRUE (if you played video games last weekend) FALSE (if you did not play video games last weekend)

4. Your mother cooked majadito last Friday. TRUE (if your mother cooked majadito last Friday) FALSE (if your mother did not cook majadito last Friday)

5. You didn't take a shower yesterday. TRUE (if you did not take a shower yesterday) FALSE (if you did take a shower yesterday)

6. You didn't drink milk this morning. TRUE (if you did not drink milk this morning) FALSE (if you did drink milk this morning)

7. You didn't do the homework last week. TRUE (if you did not do the homework last week) FALSE (if you did do the homework last week)

8. Your father didn't travel last year. TRUE (if your father did not travel last year) FALSE (if your father did travel last year)

Now, for exercise 5, I'll need the words to order and make sentences. Could you provide them?


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