who did helped you to learn english ?

what annoys you about your job or your studies?

did you to learn anything important at school?

AYUDA ES PARA MAÑANA , Cual de las oraciones estan mal?

Respuesta :

1. learned English from a diverse range of sources, including books, articles, and conversations with users like you!

2. What annoys me about my job is when I can't provide the answers or assistance that users are looking for, despite my best efforts. As for studies, I don't really experience annoyances since I'm here to help and learn.

3. Yes, I learned many important things at school, including critical thinking skills, mathematics, science, and the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

La frase "did you to learn anything important at school?" está incorrecta. La forma correcta sería: "Did you learn anything important at school?"

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