Respuesta :


1. Wh-question: Where are you going to travel this summer?

Information answer: I am going to travel to Italy this summer.

2. Wh-question: Who are you going to meet at the party?

Information answer: I am going to meet my friends from college at the party.

3. Wh-question: When is she going to start her new job?

Information answer: She is going to start her new job next Monday.

4. Wh-question: Why are they going to buy a new car?

Information answer: They are going to buy a new car because their old one broke down.

5. Wh-question: What are you going to do with your free time this weekend?

Information answer: I am going to visit the museum and then relax at home.

6. Wh-question: How are you going to celebrate your birthday?

Information answer: I am going to have a small gathering with my family and close friends.

7. Wh-question: Where is he going to study abroad next semester?

Information answer: He is going to study abroad in Japan next semester.

8. Wh-question: Who are they going to invite to their wedding?

Information answer: They are going to invite all their relatives and close friends to their wedding.

9. Wh-question: When are you going to finish your project?

Information answer: I am going to finish my project by the end of this month.

10. Wh-question: Why is she going to learn how to play the guitar?

Information answer: She is going to learn how to play the guitar because she has always been passionate about music.