Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct version of the table. Don't forget to change the way you see and write IS or Are. ​ Reduce add (2) empty shake and turn off. Cover and place on heat. Remove Put (2) Popcorn is something you usually eat when you watch a movie at the cinema. It's very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the right process. I will describe it below. The first step is to put three tablespoons of ________ oil in a large pot. Then put the pot on the stove and the oil on high heat. Then, a kernel of popcorn ____________ after this kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn _______ into the pore. The pot __________with lid. In the next stage, the flame ___________and the pot _______ gently until the corn pops. Then the pot _________ of love, witch _______ off. Finally the popcorn ________in a large bowl, where the butter and salt were melted________

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Popcorn is something you usually eat when you watch a movie at the cinema. It's very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the right process. I will describe it below. The first step is to put three tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot. Then put the pot on the stove and the oil on high heat. Then, a kernel of popcorn is added. After this kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn  is put into the pot. The pot is covered with a lid. In the next stage, the flame is reduced and the pot is shaked gently until the corn pops. Then the pot is removed from the stove, which is turned off. Finally the popcorn is emptied in a large bowl, where melted butter and salt are added.


Las palomitas de maíz son algo que sueles comer cuando ves una película en el cine. Es muy fácil hacer palomitas de maíz perfectas si sigues el proceso correcto. Lo describiré a continuación. El primer paso es poner en una olla grande tres cucharadas de aceite de oliva. Luego pon la olla al fuego y el aceite a fuego alto. Luego, se agrega un grano de maíz. Después de que este grano reviente, se pone un cuarto de taza de maíz de palomitas en la olla. La olla se cubre con una tapa. En la siguiente etapa, se reduce la llama y se agita suavemente la olla hasta que el maíz reviente. Luego se retira la olla del fuego, que se apaga. Finalmente se vacían las palomitas en un bol grande, donde se agrega mantequilla derretida y sal.

Michael Spymore