◇Teniendo en cuenta la información entre. paréntesis, responde cada pregunta en forma completa.
1. Where do they study? (at a university)
2. How much money do you spend a week? (100 dollars)
3. When does Karen train volleyball? (every day)
4. How often do you play chess? (once a week)
5. Who do you like to dance with? (Mary) 6. What do the kids play on weekends? (football)
7. How many books do you have? (200 books)
8. Which sport do they prefer, football or baseball? (baseball)
9. How far the stadium? (ten kilometers)
10. How does your sister dance reggaeton? (very badly) ​

Respuesta :

1. They study at a university.

2. I spend 100 dollars a week.

3. Karen trains volleyball every day.

4. I play chess once a week.

5. I like to dance with Mary.

6. The kids play football on weekends.

7. I have 200 books.

8. They prefer baseball over football.

9. The stadium is ten kilometers away.

10. My sister dances reggaeton very badly.