The Simple Present Tense

Grammar practice Write different sentences using the Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs.

1- Affirmative: The accountant attended to the meeting some hours ago. 2- Negative: She didn't attend to the meeting some hours ago. 3- Interrogative (Yes/No): Did she attend to the meeting some hours ago? Yes, she did.

A) My sister / enjoy / the movie / yesterday morning.

B) My dentist/clean / my teeth/yesterday.

C) We/live/in Panama City / in 1997. D) Laura / study / Math / last night.

E) You/start/school/ five years ago. ​

Respuesta :

The Simple Present Tense

Grammar practice Write different sentences using the Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs.

1- Affirmative: The accountant attended to the meeting some hours ago. 2- Negative: She didn't attend to the meeting some hours ago. 3- Interrogative (Yes/No): Did she attend to the meeting some hours ago? Yes, she did.

These are the answers

A) My sister didn't enjoy the movie yesterday morning.

B) My dentist didn't clean my teeth yesterday.

C) Did we live in Panama City in 1997?

Yes, we did.

D) Laura studied Math last night.

E) You started school five years ago.