Respuesta :

Respuesta: El objetivo del ejercicio es practicar la conjugación de verbos en tercera persona del singular en inglés (he, she, it) mediante la creación de oraciones. Se proporcionan ocho verbos relacionados con actividades físicas o de ocio: dance, cycle, jog, walk the dog, run, swim, rollerskate, hike. Para cada verbo, se deben escribir cuatro oraciones distintas, asegurándose de utilizar correctamente la forma del verbo en presente simple.

- Dance:
She dances gracefully at the ballet recital.
He dances every Saturday night at the club.
The child dances happily in the living room.
Maria dances with her friends at the school party.

- Cycle:
He cycles to work every morning.
She cycles through the park on weekends.
John cycles with his friends in the countryside.
The athlete cycles for two hours each day.
- Jog:
She jogs around the neighborhood every evening.
He jogs with his dog in the park.
Maria jogs to stay fit and healthy.
The runner jogs five miles every morning.
- Walk the dog:
He walks the dog in the park every afternoon.
She walks the dog before going to work.
John walks the dog along the beach.
The girl walks the dog in the neighborhood every evening.
- Run:
She runs five kilometers every morning.
He runs in the marathon every year.
The athlete runs around the track during practice.
Maria runs quickly to catch the bus.
- Swim:
He swims in the pool every morning.
She swims competitively for her school team.
John swims in the ocean during the summer.
The child swims with his friends at the local pool.
- Rollerskate:
She rollerskates in the park on weekends.
He rollerskates to school every day.
Maria rollerskates with her friends after school.
The boy rollerskates at the skating rink every Saturday.
- Hike:
He hikes in the mountains every summer.
She hikes with her family on holidays.
John hikes to the top of the hill every weekend.
The group hikes through the forest to enjoy nature.

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