SECOND CONDITIONAL UNREAL POSSIBILITY IF CONDITION PAST SIMPLE If I won the lottery RESULT WOULD+BASE VERB IF RESULT WOULD+BASE VERB I would buy a new house CONDITION PAST SIMPLE I would buy a new house if I won the Christmas lottery Use the second conditional for unreal situations in the future that are not impossible but difficult to come true 1-If Linda 2-What Exercise Write the verbs in brackets. Use the second conditional. here (be), I'm sure she (do) if you (help) us. (see) a ghost? 3-If I (find) some money in the street, I (take) it to the police. 4-Michael (be) angry if someone 5-If we 6-Carla 7-If I 8-If I (fail) the exam, I, 9-Jenny (make) a nice cake if she 10-If my husband, (be) a famous actor, he 11-We (not learn) so quickly if we¸ 12-If (rain) tomorrow, we 13-If you 14-1 (stay) at home tonight, you, (learn) Japanese if I 15-What 16-If you 17-If someone 18-Our friends (not catch) the nine o'clock bus, we (not be) upset if you (know) how to solve this problem, I. (do) if you (try) to give up smoking, you (steal) my car, I (be) really angry if we (be) very disappointed. I've studied so hard. (know) how to cook well. (earn) a lot of money. (not have) such a good teacher. (not go) to the beach but the sky is so clear. (not see) Tina at the party. (have) the time to do it. (lose) your passport in a foreign country? (feel) much better. (report) it to the police immediately. (not go) to their party next Friday. (take) his computer without permission. (arrive) too late. (tell) her the truth. (do) it.​