b) Complete the questions.
2A. ______ children?
B Yes, we do - two boys and a girl.

3 A. _______ English?
B Yes, they do. Their English is very good.

4 A _______ coffee for breakfast?
B Yes, we do - coffee with milk.

5 A. _____ a new car?
B Yes, our car is very old.​

Respuesta :

2A. Do you have any children?

B: Yes, we do - two boys and a girl.

3A. Do your children speak English?

B: Yes, they do. Their English is very good.

4A. Do you have coffee for breakfast?

B: Yes, we do - coffee with milk.

5A. Do you need a new car?

B: Yes, our car is very old.

¡Espero haberte ayudado! ;)