. Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-e.

a. What’s wrong b. Oh, anyway c. It’s really great d. What’s the weather like

e. What happened to you. A: (1) ---------, Peter?

B: Well, it’s raining.

A: Oh,no!

B: Why? (2) --------- ?

A: I wanted to go for a walk with Sue this afternoon,

B: Stay here. We can watch that new TV show.

(3) -------------!

A: Is it? OK, then.

A: Hey, Jack! (4) ----------? You’re all wet.

B: I fell in the water.

A: What? Ha, ha!

B: Stop it! It’s not funny. (5) -------------. This is your new pair of jeans I’m wearing.

A: Oh, no, Jack!

Respuesta :

A: (1) **What’s the weather like**, Peter?

B: Well, it’s raining.

A: Oh, no!

B: Why? (2) **What’s wrong**?

A: I wanted to go for a walk with Sue this afternoon.

B: Stay here. We can watch that new TV show.

(3) **It’s really great**!

A: Is it? OK, then.


A: Hey, Jack! (4) **What happened to you**? You’re all wet.

B: I fell in the water.

A: What? Ha, ha!

B: Stop it! It’s not funny. (5) **Oh, anyway**. This is your new pair of jeans I’m wearing.

A: Oh, no, Jack!