Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the word(s) given and any other words you need. A JOE: AMY: B MARY: ANNE: MARY: ANNE: CANDY: JESS: Which is (2). the highest Why have you bought a new car? We needed one with a (1) bigger (big) boot, to take our sports gear. (high/mountain) in Africa? No, it's a bit (3) further south than (far/south) that. It's in Tanzania. Kilimanjaro. Where's that? In Kenya? Are you still having problems with your broadband connection? Yes. I don't know what's wrong. I've tried contacting the server, but it's still (4). (fast) last week. D ROSA: Which part of London has (5). rent, do you think? ANA: I don't know. It's (6). ROSA: ANA: E FRED: JOSH: FRED: country so they won't be cheap anywhere. I suppose the suburbs (7). centre would be the place to look. I'm not sure it works like that in London. How was your driving test? Oh, not so bad really. I passed! It was (8). (much/easy) I'd expected, in fact. Congratulations! That's (9). heard for ages! F GAIL: MICK: Shall we go windsurfing? It's lovely and sunny. ..(cheap) flats to (expensive) city in the (far) from the .(good) news I've I'm not sure. The wind is good but although the sun is shining, I think you'll find it's (10) G EDDY: Let's go clubbing after we've eaten. SEAN: Can't we go (11). EDDY: No. The clubs shut (12). at home. (not/warm) it looks when you get outside. ..(late)? I want to watch a film. (early/here) they do​

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