1. Complete the sentences with the adjective form of the verb in brackets
a. Dogs are
b. Lucy is
c. My Latin class is ............
d. London is
My garden is a lot
(intelligent) than rabbits.
...(old) than Ellie.
(boring) than my English class.
..(busy) than Glasgow.
..(colourful) than this park.
2. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets
a. Who is the.........
b. My mum is the..
What's the
d. Ethan is the
He bought the..
..(tall) person in your family?
(good) cook in the world.
(dangerous) animal in the world?
..(happy) boy that I know.
(big) cake in the shop.
3. Choose the correct answer
1 Sally's room is
Mark's room.
a. the tidiest b. More tidy than
c. tidier than
2 That dress is.....
dress in the shop.
a. more beautiful than
b. the most beautiful
c. the beautifulest
3 Horror films are
adventure films..
a. frightener than
b. the frightenest
c. more frightening than
4 I'm terrible at painting. I'm..
student in art class.
a. the worst
b. the baddest
c. the worse
5 My mother is
- me.
a. shortter than
b. shorter than
c. the shortest
4. Match A to B

Respuesta :


1. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets:

a. Dogs are more intelligent than rabbits.

b. Lucy is older than Ellie.

c. My Latin class is more boring than my English class.

d. London is busier than Glasgow.

e. My garden is a lot more colourful than this park.

2. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets:

a. Who is the tallest person in your family?

b. My mum is the best cook in the world.

c. What's the most dangerous animal in the world?

d. Ethan is the happiest boy that I know.

e. He bought the biggest cake in the shop.

3. Choose the correct answer:

Sally's room is tidier than Mark's room.

a. the tidiest

b. More tidy than

c. tidier than

That dress is the most beautiful dress in the shop.

a. more beautiful than

b. the most beautiful

c. the beautifulest

Horror films are more frightening than adventure films.

a. frightener than

b. the frightenest

c. more frightening than

I'm terrible at painting. I'm the worst student in art class.

a. the worst

b. the baddest

c. the worse

My mother is shorter than me.

a. shortter than

b. shorter than

c. the shortest