6 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I walked (walk) to the shops, but I (...) (not buy) anything. 2 Lily (...) (have) a shower this morning, but she (...) (not wash) her hair. 3 Last night, Oliver (...) (go) to bed early, but he (...) (not sleep) well. 4 We (...) (work) hard yesterday, but we (...) (not feel) tired. 5 They (...) (come) to the party on Saturday, but they (...) (not stay) long. 6 Chloe (...) (tell) me what to do, but I (...) (not understand).​

Respuesta :


1. I walked (walk) to the shops, but I didn't buy (not buy) anything.

2. Lily had (have) a shower this morning, but she didn't wash (not wash) her hair.

3. Last night, Oliver went (go) to bed early, but he didn't sleep (not sleep) well.

4. We worked (work) hard yesterday, but we didn't feel (not feel) tired.

5. They came (come) to the party on Saturday, but they didn't stay (not stay) long.

6. Chloe told (tell) me what to do, but I didn't understand (not understand).