Respuesta :


**The Story of Anna and Her Neighborhood**

When Anna was a little girl, she lived in a quiet neighborhood. Every day after school, she used to play in the park that was near her house. In those days, the park was a place full of children and laughter. Anna used to go with her older brother, who was always very protective of her.

There was an old lady who used to walk her dog in the park every afternoon. The dog was very friendly, and all the children loved him. Anna and her friends used to run and play catch with the dog. There was also a man who was known for telling fascinating stories about the town. The children used to sit around him and listen attentively.

One day, while Anna was playing, she noticed that something was different. The park was quieter than usual. It turned out that many families had moved away, and the park was no longer as lively as it used to be. Anna missed the old days, but she still enjoyed her time there and made new friends with the children who were still around.

