2. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU VISIT THE USA! Escoge la opción correcta. 1. You have to / must have a visa to enter the country. 2. You mustn't / don't have to drive on the left. Here we drive on the right. 3. You mustn't / don't have to pay to visit the museums and art galleries, entrance is usually free. 4. You have to / should go on a ferry to visit the statue of liberty. You can't go by bus. 5. You must have to wear a seat belt all the time in a car. 6. You must/should always try to arrive on time. Americans are very punctual. 7. You mustn't / don't have to smoke in any public building. It is prohibited by law. 8. You must have to answer some questions when you go through immigration.
por favor ayúda lo necesito urgente ​

Respuesta :

Respuesta: You must have a visa to enter the country. You mustn't drive on the left. Here we drive on the right. You don't have to pay to visit the museums and art galleries, entrance is usually free. You have to go on a ferry to visit the statue of liberty. You can't go by bus. You must wear a seatbelt all the time in a car. You should always try to arrive on time. Americans are very punctual. You mustn't smoke in any public building. You have to answer some questions...

Estas son las opciones que pondria yo!
