Respuesta :



Dos amigos, Emily y John, están en el supermercado. Se encuentran con su amiga Sarah, que está comprando frutas.

Emily: Hey Sarah! What are you up to?

Sarah: Hi Emily, John! I'm just buying some fruit for a fruit salad.

John: That sounds delicious! What kind of fruit are you getting?

Sarah: Well, I'm getting two apples, three bananas, one orange, and half a pineapple.

Emily: Wow, that's a lot of fruit! How much are you spending?

Sarah: I'm not sure yet. I haven't paid yet. But I think it will be around $10.

John: That's not too bad. Fruit can be expensive sometimes.

Sarah: Yes, it can. But it's worth it to eat healthy.

Emily: I agree. I'm trying to eat more fruit myself.

Sarah: That's great! There are so many delicious and healthy fruits to choose from.

John: I like apples and bananas the best.

Sarah: Me too. They're always a good choice.

Emily: I also like oranges and strawberries.

Sarah: Strawberries are great in salads and smoothies.

John: I've never tried a strawberry smoothie. I'll have to give it a try sometime.

Sarah: You should! They're really refreshing.

Emily: Well, I should probably get going. I have a lot to do today.

John: Me too. Nice seeing you both, Sarah!

Sarah: Bye Emily, bye John! It was nice seeing you too.


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