Escribe el verbo que esta entre paréntesis () como corresponda en su respectivo espacio. 1. (eat) John _______ hamburger every day 2. (study) I ______at Simon Bolivar School 3. (live) Tom and Charlie _______ in a big house. 4. (work) Hellen and I _______ in Cali 5. (buy) We _______ a new car for the family. 5. (listen) They _______ to music all day.​

Respuesta :


Explicación paso a paso: 1. John eats a hamburger every day.

2.  I study at Simon Bolivar School.

3.  Tom and Charlie live in a big house.

4.   Hellen and I work in Cali.

5. We bought a new car for the family.

6. They listen to music all day


(eat) John eats. hamburger every day 2. (study) I study. at Simon Bolivar School 3. (live) Tom and Charlie live in a big house. 4. (work) Hellen and I work. in Cali 5. (buy) We buy _ a new car for the family. 5. (listen) They listen. to music all day.