Me ayudan a escribir la pronunciación de esto para que no se me dificulte, doy coronita, es para ahora!.
The holidays are a special time of the year, a time to relax, explore and create unforgettable memories. On my last vacation, I decided to travel to an exotic and unknown destination. From the moment I arrived I was greeted by stunning landscapes and fascinating culture. I spent my days exploring crystal-clear beaches, trying delicious local food, and immersing myself in the history and traditions of the place. Every day was a new adventure, full of discoveries and unique experiences. At the end of my vacation, I returned home with a heart full of gratitude and a mind full of unforgettable rescues. This vacation was a reminder of the beauty and diversity of the world around us and the importance of taking time to disconnect and enjoy life. I'm looking forward to my next vacation to continue exploring and making new memories!

Respuesta :


creo que es lo que buscas


pronunciación de la texto:

"The holi-DAYS are a spe-CIAL time of the YEAH, a time to RELAX, EX-plore and CREATE un-for-get-able MEM-o-ries. On my LAST va-ca-tion, I de-CID-ed to TRAV-el to an EX-ot-ic and UN-known des-TIN-a-shun. From the MOM-ent I ar-RIVED I was GREET-ed by STUN-ning LAND-scapes and FA-scin-ting CUL-ture. I spent my DAYS EX-plo-ring KRIS-tal-clear BEACH-es, TRY-ing DEL-i-cious LO-cal FOOD, and IM-mer-sing MY-self in the HIS-tory and TRA-di-tions of the PLACE. EV-ery DAY was a NEW AD-ven-ture, FULL of DIS-cov-er-ies and UNIQUE ex-PER-i-en-ces. At the END of my VA-ca-tion, I RE-turned HOME with a HEART full of GRAT-i-tude and a MIND full of UN-for-get-able RE-scues. This VA-ca-tion was a RE-minder of the BEAU-ty and DI-ver-si-ty of the WORLD A-round us and the IMP-or-tance of TAK-ing TIME to DIS-con-nect and EN-joy LIFE. I'm LOOK-ing FOR-ward to my NEXT VA-ca-tion to CON-ti-nue EX-plo-ring and MAK-ing NEW MEM-o-ries!"