comparativos o superlativos
2. This flower is _____________ (beautiful) than that one.
3. This is the ______________(interesting) book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live _______________ (long) than smokers. 5. Which is the ____________ (dangerous) animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is ________________(good) than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is ____________ (expensive) than a beer. 8. Who is the _______________(rich) woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even ____________(bad) than last summer. 10. He was the ____________ (clever) thief of all. 11. My sister thinks she's ____________ (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree! 12. Avatar is probably ____________ (bad) film I've see 13. What is _______________(wet) month of the year in England?score 14. Do you think the Harry Potter films are _____________(good) than the books? 15. Who is the ______________(powerful) person in your country? 16. I think Men in Black 1 was _____________ (funny) than Men in Black 3. 17. Is Angelina