7. Listen - I _______ to explain this to You.
a) am trying b) try
8. Tomorrow I _______ to see My friend.
a) am going. b) go
9) Where is she now? She _____ Home.
a) walks. b) is walking
10) how does she usually get to work? She______.
a) is walking. b) walks

muchas gracias....​

Respuesta :


7. a) am trying

8. b) go

9. b) is walking

10. b) walks


The correct options for each sentence are:

7. Listen - I **am trying** to explain this to you. (a)

8. Tomorrow I **am going** to see my friend. (a)

9. Where is she now? She **is at home**. (b)

10. How does she usually get to work? She **walks**. (b)