3 Answer the following questions. Then, pair up and
share your answers with your classmates.
Describe your perfect vacation. Imagine you are
there. Where are you? Who are you with? What
can you see there? What can you do there?

3 Answer the following questions Then pair up andshare your answers with your classmatesDescribe your perfect vacation Imagine you arethere Where are you Who ar class=

Respuesta :


Perfect Vacation Description


My perfect vacation takes place on a secluded tropical island in the Maldives. The crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sandy beaches create a picturesque paradise.


I am accompanied by my closest friends and family, creating a joyful and relaxing atmosphere filled with laughter and shared experiences.


As I look around, I see lush palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, colorful coral reefs teeming with marine life, and stunning sunsets painting the sky in hues of pink and orange.


During this dream vacation, I can indulge in snorkeling to explore the vibrant underwater world, enjoy luxurious spa treatments overlooking the ocean, savor delicious fresh seafood, and unwind with yoga sessions on the beach at sunrise. Each day is filled with adventure, relaxation, and unforgettable moments shared with loved ones.

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