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Pleasure, as psychoanalysis teaches us, is a state of satisfaction of desire, in which

Every individual finds well-being, even if it is temporary and fleeting. The human tendency is

seek to repeat those experiences in deterioration of repressive situations, that is, denying what

that separates, restricts, reduces. Reading is an act of sensitivity and intelligence, of understanding

and communion with the world; By reading we expand our being in the world, we reach spheres of

knowledge never experienced before and, according to Aristotle, we are moved and expand the

human condition through emotions. This feeling of fullness, illuminating, although

painful and acute, has been a constant provided by artistic discourse. In front of a

painting, to music, to a text, the entire world, which cannot be encompassed at a glance, is

condenses and deepens in us a feeling that encompasses the totality, as if through what

that we touch we could glimpse the unseen and guess what we do not actually experience.


Pleasure is also a long learning process, although it is present, as Freud teaches us, in the

drive of life. A manifestation of pleasure must be cultivated, attentively accompanied,

so that the conditions that produce it can be discovered. It doesn't happen that way with reading.


You have to know what it is to read, how to read, to enjoy (enjoy) its pleasure. The practice of

reading in Latin American society does not correspond, as a rule, but to the strict use imposed by

the mass society.

In Latin American society, half do not read because they do not know; the other half, because they don't want to.

So why do we insist on school? For the diploma, for the formal fulfillment of a rite of passage into the production universe? We go to school to “learn to read,” and

We left there hating everything related to reading. To read means to glimpse,

change horizons, interact with reality, interpret it, understand it and make decisions about

the real. From the beginning, reading must take into account the reader, his contribution to the text, his

observation of the context, with its perception of the environment. The pleasure of reading is also a

discovery. However, it will be very difficult to discover it if the explicit conditions for it are not met.

this intimacy.

In the midst of the serious social crisis in which we have been struggling for decades, with a population

impoverished, wasted, incredulous, without prospects for a better future, testimony of the

advantages and impunity of opportunists, education has been revealed as harmless, and, with it,

the role of reading that is now beginning to be explained.

Read for what? For the exams? To persuade? To participate in a contest?

Read to live. Read life. Read to broaden perspectives, to associate ideas, to reinvent

to the world, based on personal condition. There is no point in passing the year and obtaining a certificate.

if there is no qualitative change in life. Without a doubt, reading alone does not solve the

social and/or individual problems, but having options and understanding situations is less

bitter than letting yourself go without having control of your environment.

Knowledge of other lives, other times, other stories, other cultures is offered

As a counterpoint, the dimensions of a Greek tragedy echo in the daily events of

an ordinary citizen. Therefore, there is a pleasure in obtaining information, there is a feeling of a

wider world that reading can bring, even now in the 21st century, in a society

electronic in which the visual seems to replace the verbal, where images have greater weight

than the words.