Take a look at Dave's plans for the weekend. According to the information on the timetable, choose the correct option for each gap to complete the sentences. SATURDAY SUNDAY 10:30 am – Harry - run 9:30 am – Peter – breakfast 3:30 pm – reunion - school friends 1:30 pm – mum - lunch 8:30 pm – Jane – theater 7:00 pm – John – dinner 1. On Sunday evening John and I . 2. On Saturday afternoon I some school friends . 3. I am going for at half past ten. 4. On Jane and I at half past eight. 5. mum and I at half past one.

Respuesta :


1. On Sunday evening John and I **are having dinner**.

2. On Saturday afternoon I **am meeting** some school friends.

3. I am going for **a run** at half past ten.

4. On **Saturday**, Jane and I **are going to the theater** at half past eight.

5. Mum and I **are having lunch** at half past one.

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