Respuesta :


1. She felt ecstatic when she received the good news about her promotion at work.

2. After watching the touching movie, he was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't stop crying.

3. I was filled with excitement as I waited for my favorite band to take the stage.

4. His face lit up with joy when he saw his long-lost friend walking towards him.

5. She was overcome with sadness when she heard about the passing of her beloved pet.

6. Después de recibir la buena noticia, sentí una alegría inmensa que me hizo sonreír todo el día.

7. Al escuchar la canción, experimenté una profunda melancolía que me transportó a recuerdos de mi infancia.

8. Me invadió una sensación de tranquilidad al contemplar el atardecer en la playa.

9. Ante la sorpresa inesperada, no pude contener la emoción y mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.

10. Al abrazar a mi ser querido, experimenté un cálido amor que me reconfortó el alma.