necesito ayudaaa, porfavor, es para ahorita

Activity 2.3. Complete the sentences by choosing a gerund or an infinitive.

1. Sofia recommended in Veracruz______________ (eating/ to eat) in a sea food restaurant while we're

2. It's easy____________ (attaching/ to attach) documents, photos and files to e-mails.

3. Don't hesitate instructions______________ (asking/ to ask) for help if you don't understand the

4. Children can use the Internet for them__________ (visiting/ to visit) web sites that are dangerous

5. I demand____________ (speaking/ to speak) to the manager of the hotel immediately.

6. It's hard to find time___________ (studying/ to study).

7. This software it's easy_____________(using/ to use).

8. This broken bicycle needs______________(fixing/ to fix) before someone can ride it.

9. E-mails let us and easy_______________(sending/ to send) messages all around the world quickly

10. He refused___________(speaking/ to speak) to his brother after the fight.​

Respuesta :


1. eating

2. to attach

3. to ask

4. to visit

5. to speak

6. to study

7. to use

8. to fix

9. to send

10. to speak

Otras preguntas