Respuesta :



Sure, here's the text with the gaps filled in with the correct form of the verbs:

Some people enjoy starting a new job because they think it's exciting. Others don't like it very much because it can be a little stressful. Everyone wants colleagues that they are keen on making a good impression and show them how to learn. To do this, they need to be proactive and take the initiative in arriving on time so you can show that you are responsible.

Firstly, it's important to be punctual. By being reliable and respecting your colleagues' time. Secondly, you should be prepared. Asking questions and taking notes will help you listen and learn your new role and understand. It's also important to be adaptable, you may be asked to take on new tasks or work with different people, so being flexible will help you to adjust quickly. Additionally, you should be happy to collaborate with your colleagues. Teamwork is essential in most workplaces, so being a team player will help you to build positive relationships with your colleagues. If you finish doing your tasks, remember to offer to help with anything else that needs to be done.

Other important actions include being proactive, taking ownership of your work, being open to feedback, demonstrating your skills, and being willing to take on challenges. By doing these things, you will show your new colleagues that you are a valuable addition to the team and are committed to your new role.



Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Some people enjoy starting a new job because they think it's exciting. Others don't like it very much because it can be a little stressful. Everyone wants to make a good impression and show their new colleagues that they are keen to learn. To do this, they need to be proactive and take the initiative.

Firstly, it's important to be punctual. By arriving on time you can show that you are reliable and respect your colleagues' time. Secondly, you should be prepared to listen and learn.

Asking questions and taking  notes will help you to understand your new role and responsabilities.

It's also important to be adaptable. You may be asked to take on new tasks or work with different people, so being flexible will help you to adjust quickly. Additionally, you should be happy to collaborate with your colleagues. Teamwork is essential in most workplaces, so being a  team player will help you to build positive relationships with your colleagues. If you finishing doing your tasks, remember offering to help with anything else that needs to be done.

Other important actions include to be proactive, taking ownership of your work, being open to  feedback, demonstrating your skills, and being willing to take on challenges. By doing these things, you will show your new colleagues that you are a valuable addition to the team and are committed to your new role.


Algunas personas dis frutan comenzando un nuevo trabajo porque creen que es emocionante. A otros no les gusta mucho porque puede resultar un poco estresante. Todo el mundo quiere dar una buena impresión y mostrar a sus nuevos colegas que tiene ganas de aprender. Para ello, deben ser proactivos y tomar la iniciativa.

En primer lugar, es importante ser puntual. Al llegar a tiempo podrás demostrar que eres confiable y respetas el tiempo de tus colegas. En segundo lugar, debes estar preparado para escuchar y aprender.

Hacer preguntas y tomar notas te ayudará a comprender tu nuevo rol y responsabilidades.

También es importante ser adaptable. Es posible que te pidan que asumas nuevas tareas o trabajes con diferentes personas, por lo que ser flexible te ayudará a adaptarte rápidamente. Además, deberías estar feliz de colaborar con tus colegas. El trabajo en equipo es esencial en la mayoría de los puestos de trabajo, por lo que trabajar en equipo te ayudará a construir relaciones positivas con tus colegas. Si estás terminando de hacer tus tareas, recuerda ofrecerte a ayudar con cualquier otra cosa que deba hacerse.

Otras acciones importantes incluyen ser proactivo, hacerte cargo de tu trabajo, estar abierto a recibir comentarios, demostrar tus habilidades y estar dispuesto a asumir desafíos. Al hacer estas cosas, demostrarás a tus nuevos colegas que eres una valiosa incorporación al equipo y que estás comprometido con tu nuevo rol.

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Michael Spymore

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