Respuesta :



Aquí tienes 10 frases en inglés que contienen tanto un objeto directo como un objeto indirecto:

1. She gave him a gift.

- Objeto directo: a gift

- Objeto indirecto: him

2. I sent my friend a postcard.

- Objeto directo: a postcard

- Objeto indirecto: my friend

3. He showed us his new car.

- Objeto directo: his new car

- Objeto indirecto: us

4. They offered the guests some drinks.

- Objeto directo: some drinks

- Objeto indirecto: the guests

5. She told her children a story.

- Objeto directo: a story

- Objeto indirecto: her children

6. We made them a delicious dinner.

- Objeto directo: a delicious dinner

- Objeto indirecto: them

7. The teacher gave the students homework.

- Objeto directo: homework

- Objeto indirecto: the students

8. He lent his brother some money.

- Objeto directo: some money

- Objeto indirecto: his brother

9. I wrote my parents a letter.

- Objeto directo: a letter

- Objeto indirecto: my parents

10. She brought her boss a coffee.

- Objeto directo: a coffee

- Objeto indirecto: her boss

Estas oraciones contienen tanto un objeto directo (lo que se da, muestra, cuenta, etc.) como un objeto indirecto (a quién se le da, muestra, cuenta, etc.).