In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. The family always spent their holidays climbing in the mountains. USED

The family’s holidays .....................................................................climbing in the mountains.

2 . Has Mary altered her decision about moving to the countryside?MIND

Do you know if Mary..................................................................... about moving to the countryside?

3. This new dining table is bigger than the one we had before. NOT

The dining table we had before .........................................................this new one.

4. My teacher suggested that I spent the summer in England. ADVISED

My teacher.................................................................. the summer in England.

5. While we were going home, we had an accident. WAY

We ...................................................................home when we had an accident.

6. I hope you were not discouraged by Sandra from going to the concert. PUT

I hope Sandra..................................................................... going to the concert.

7. I could never have passed that exam without your help. YOU

I could never have passed that exam ____________me.

8. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year. HAD

We ___________last yea

Respuesta :



1. The family always spent their holidays climbing in the mountains. USED

The family’s holidays used to be spent climbing in the mountains.

2. Has Mary altered her decision about moving to the countryside? MIND

Do you know if Mary has changed her mind about moving to the countryside?

3. This new dining table is bigger than the one we had before. NOT

The dining table we had before was not as big as this new one.

4. My teacher suggested that I spent the summer in England. ADVISED

My teacher advised me to spend the summer in England.

5. While we were going home, we had an accident. WAY

We were on our way home when we had an accident.

6. I hope you were not discouraged by Sandra from going to the concert. PUT

I hope Sandra did not put you off going to the concert.

7. I could never have passed that exam without your help. YOU

I could never have passed that exam if you hadn’t helped me.

8. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year. HAD

We had the garden landscaped last year.