For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given.
1 Few people can afford to eat in that restaurant.
That restaurant most ________________________________________ people.
2 We ran out of petrol before we reached our destination.
We did not have __________________________________ to our destination the news to speak.
4 We did not go swimming because of the cold weather.
The weather __________________________________ us to go swimming​

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

1) Few people can afford to eat in that restaurant.


Respuesta 1) That restaurant is too expensive for most people.

Traducción 1) Pocas personas pueden darse el lujo de comer en ese restaurante. Ese restaurante es demasiado caro para la mayoría de la gente.

2) We ran out of petrol before we reached our destination.


Respuesta 2) We did not have enough petrol to get to our destination.

Traducción 2)  Nos quedamos sin gasolina antes de llegar a nuestro destino. Nosotros no teníamos suficiente gasolina para llegar a nuestro destino.

4) We did not go swimming because of the cold weather.


Respuesta 4) The weather wasn´t warm enough for us to go swimming​.

Traducción 4) No fuimos a nadar por el clima frío. El clima no era lo bastante cálido para ir a nadar.

Michael Spymore

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