escribo 10 frases en singular y 10 en plural usando la expresión” hay”, debe escribirlas en afirmativa negativa e interrogativa.
Las frases interrogativas las debe contestar en cualquiera de sus formas.

Respuesta :


Of course! Here are the sentences in singular and plural using the expression "there is/are" in affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms:


1. Affirmative: There is a book on the table.

2. Negative: There isn't any food in the fridge.

3. Interrogative: Is there anyone at home?


4. Affirmative: There are many trees in the park.

5. Negative: There aren't any cats in the garden.

6. Interrogative: Are there enough time to finish the project?


7. Affirmative: There is an interesting movie at the cinema.

8. Negative: There isn't any milk in the fridge.

9. Interrogative: Is there someone waiting at the door?


10. Affirmative: There are several people at the meeting.

11. Negative: There aren't any dogs in the park.

12. Interrogative: Is there anything I can do to help?


13. Affirmative: There is a flower in the garden.

14. Negative: There isn't any water in the tank.

15. Interrogative: Is there anything you need me to do?


16. Affirmative: There are many stars in the sky.

17. Negative: There aren't any books in the library.

18. Interrogative: Is there anything we should know before we start?


19. Affirmative: There is a plane in the sky.

20. Negative: There isn't any light in the room.

21. Interrogative: Is there something bothering you right now?


22. Affirmative: There are several cars in the parking lot.

23. Negative: There aren't any chairs in the room.

24. Interrogative: Is there anything you'd like to share with me?

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