Respuesta :


Dear Diary,

Today was my first day at the new school, and it was quite overwhelming. Walking into the unfamiliar hallways, surrounded by new faces and a different atmosphere, made me feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The school building was much bigger than my previous one, and I couldn't help but feel a bit lost at times.

As I entered my new classroom, I was greeted by curious gazes from my classmates. Some smiled warmly, while others seemed indifferent. I tried to introduce myself confidently, but deep down, I was anxious about making new friends and fitting in.

During the day, I found myself comparing everything to my old school – the teachers' teaching styles, the cafeteria food, and even the way students interacted with each other. It made me miss the familiarity of my old routine and the friends I left behind.

Despite the initial challenges, I also felt a sense of hope and anticipation. This new school offers opportunities for growth, learning, and making new memories. I reminded myself that change can be a good thing, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

As the day came to an end, I reflected on the mixed emotions I experienced. I realized that adapting to a new environment takes time and patience. I'm determined to give my best, embrace this new chapter, and create meaningful experiences in my new school.

Here's to new beginnings and the journey ahead.

Yours truly,


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