Hola me podrian ayudar en estos ejercicios :)
My mobile phone isn't/aren't working.
Penny are/is waiting for us.
My cousins isn't/aren’t watching a film.
Stefan 's/are feeling ill.
The children is/are playing video games.
It isn't/aren’t raining now.
We isn't/aren't watching TV right now.
Amy and her friend is/are doing a project for school.
Lisa and Mike is/are playing a board game.
Lee isn’t/aren't having a good time.

Respuesta :

¡Claro que sí! Aquí tienes las correcciones para cada oración:

1. My mobile phone isn't working. (singular: "phone")

2. Penny is waiting for us. (singular: "Penny")

3. My cousins aren't watching a film. (plural: "cousins")

4. Stefan's feeling ill. (singular: "Stefan's")

5. The children are playing video games. (plural: "children")

6. It isn't raining now. (singular: "It")

7. We aren't watching TV right now. (plural: "We")

8. Amy and her friend are doing a project for school. (plural: "Amy and her friend")

9. Lisa and Mike are playing a board game. (plural: "Lisa and Mike")

10. Lee isn't having a good time. (singular: "Lee")


My mobile phone isn't working.

Penny is waiting for us.

My cousins aren’t watching a film.

Stefan 's feeling ill.

The children are playing video games.

It isn't raining now.

We aren't watching TV right now.

Amy and her friend are doing a project for school.

Lisa and Mike are playing a board game.

Lee isn’t having a good time.

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