E. Complete the sentences
1. The Minions are a
family and they are always
in the
2. What is Stuart like? He is
and yellow.
3. Stuart has breakfast with his brothers Tom and
4. He goes to school by
Band Bob
5. He does his homework with
and circle the comect option.

Respuesta :


E. Complete the sentences:

The Minions are a lovable family and they are always engaged in the antics.

What is Stuart like? He is small and yellow.

Stuart has breakfast with his brothers Tom and Bob.

He goes to school by following Gru.

He does his homework with Kevin.

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Respuesta 1) The Minions are a very big family and they are always happy.

Traducción 1) Los Minions son una familia muy grande y siempre están felices.

Respuesta 2) What is Stuart like? He is short and yellow.

Traducción 2) ¿Cómo es Stuart? Él es bajo y amarillo.

Respuesta 3) Stuart has breakfast with his brothers Tom and Darwin in the kitchen.

Traducción 3) Stuart desayuna con sus hermanos Tom y Darwin en la cocina.

Respuesta 4)  He goes to school by bus with Kevin and Bob.

Traducción 4) Él va a la escuela en autobús con Kevin y Bob.

Respuesta 5) He does his homework with Dave, Carl and Larry.

Traducción 5) Él hace su tarea con Dave, Carl y Larry.

Michael Spymore